
   日期:2016-08-22     来源:深圳家具·设计    作者:翁茜    评论:0    
        这款位于塞尔贝洛尼宫大堂中央的水晶吊灯,创于18世纪末,采用波西米亚水晶制作。没有记录表明这盏灯最初是如何形成的,因为所有的资料都在第二次世界大战期间被焚毁。两盏吊灯位于大堂中央,名字是Sala Napoleonica或者Sala Bonaparte,最初用于舞厅和音乐厅。现在它更多地用于私人派对和时尚秀场。还有另一对小型的Sala GianGaleazzo,具有一样的外形,只是按比例缩小。这四个灯共有四十个不同的组成部分,超过一千种元素。

古灯的修复需要结合三种玻璃制造技术。包括生产替代手工切割的水晶配饰,玻璃吹制和切割流程,还有熔炼和切割支架。尽管古灯有着许多细小的伤痕,修复的目的是为了尽可能地还原古灯的原貌。修复工作必须要小心翼翼地进行,以保持原样。在Palazzo Serbelloni这个案例中,吊灯的原始水晶组件被打包运回捷克共和国,这是最早的原产地,可追溯到18世界初。只有回到最初的地方才能最接近历史。“我一直相信光就是生活。这个项目的意义不仅是把18世界瑰丽的吊灯带来现代世界,同时也是给予来自著名的历史宫殿塞尔贝洛尼宫的Sale Napoleoniche新的生命。”吊灯修复者Marta Polese说道。

  The crystal chandeliers found in the staterooms were crafted of Bohemian crystal at the end of the 18th century. There are no specific records regarding their origin due to the burning of the palazzo archive during WWII.Two chandeliers are located in the grand hall, called either Sala Napoleonica or Sala Bonaparte and originally used as a dance and concert hall. Today it hosts private events and fashion shows. Another pair are found in the smaller Sala GianGaleazzo, having the same design in smaller scale. The four chandeliers are composed of forty various components that have more than 1,000 elements.

  The renovation required a combination of three glassmaking techniques. These included the production and replacement of hand-cut crystal trimmings, hand-blown and cut components, as well as smelted and cut arms. Yet the overall aim was to sustain as many original components as possible, despite such traces of age as scratches or minor damage.


  Restorations must always be done with sensitivity and in a manner that preserves their original character. In case of Palazzo Serbelloni, the original crystal components of the chandeliers were dismantled and shipped back to the Czech Republic, where they were probably first made in the late 1700’s, completing a historic and creative full-circle.  

   I have always believed in binomial Light = Life, in all its meanings. This project combines the idea of giving these magnificent eighteenth-century chandeliers their light and shine back, and that of giving a new life to the essence of the famous “Sale Napoleoniche” of the historical Palazzo Serbelloni...”Let there be light!” was never so right!,” says Marta Polese, Restorer.


