为什么越来越多品牌选择Reda Amalou?

   日期:2017-09-26     来源:深圳家具·设计    评论:0    
核心提示:在创办AW2过程中,Reda Amalou意识到建筑、室内以及家具设计式相通的。这让他自然而然的创建了独立设计品牌。过去的履历让他意识到产品与空间的设计应该相互呼应,因此直接推出组合产品,其灵感来自于二十世纪当代美学,力求呈现优雅与随性并存的视觉效果。
       从建筑设计到家具设计,再到饰品设计,Reda Amalou的品味调性已经横跨整个设计圈。这一切都得从设计生涯说起。在1997年,Reda Amalo以建筑系学生毕业,并在巴黎成立了AW2建筑工作室。直到今天,AW2的设计项目已经遍布全世界,荣获各大全球性奖项 “Best Hotel Design Travel and Leisure”, “Best Hotel MIPIM Award”, “Green Good Design”, “Chicago Museum of Architecture Award”等等。

Reda Amalou graduated as an architect from the East London University. In 1997, he founded AW2 architecture workshop in Paris. Today his agency enjoys worldwide acclaim. His designs regularly feature in the international press. The agency has notably won titles such as “Best Hotel Design Travel and Leisure”, “Best Hotel MIPIM Award”, “Green Good Design”, “Chicago Museum of Architecture Award”…

在创办AW2过程中,Reda Amalou意识到建筑、室内以及家具设计式相通的。这让他自然而然的创建了独立设计品牌。过去的履历让他意识到产品与空间的设计应该相互呼应,因此直接推出组合产品,其灵感来自于二十世纪当代美学,力求呈现优雅与随性并存的视觉效果。为了保证家居品质,Reda Amalou采用极佳的面料、皮革、铜质材质与珍贵的木材。好的设计从不缺关注,Reda Amalou 还与Veronese, Baguès Paris与 Baccarat合作,这次重点推荐的产品中,有Roche Bobois合作的产品。

With AW2, Reda Amalou has always conceived architecture, and interiors as well as furniture designs. This has naturally led him to create his own brand, Reda Amalou Design, launching a portfolio of product and furniture design. The collections are a perfect echo of the architectural work of Reda Amalou. Inspired by the aesthetics of the 20th century, he designs each piece with a concern for the balance between elegance, sobriety, and visual identity. All the materials used are noble, textured and alive such as leather, bronze and precious woods. Reda Amalou also collaborates with luxury and design houses such as Veronese, Baguès Paris, Roche Bobois and Baccarat, with whom he regularly produces pieces and unique collections.

受到1950的现代亚洲设计学影响,Reda Amalou推出了新系列link、BOX、DOT以及PEBBLES,元素设计、鹅卵石、线形边框等等组合成长椅、桌子、脚垫和装饰配件。

而这次的最新设计是与Roche Bobois合作的餐桌,多边形的实木拼接成餐桌,简洁大方,让人倍感舒适。

Inspired by 1950s modernism coupled with Asian influences, Reda Amalou Design’s new collections: link, BOX, DOT and PEBBLES consist of benches, tables, ottomans and decorative accessories.


The creations in their various forms are available in different lacquer colours for a diverse aesthetic. These pieces feature pure and noble materials such as silvered bronze, egg shell, gold leaf, as well as American walnut, giving the collections a refined and elegant finish.

Reda  Amalou设计师说:”我希望我的设计是让人们自然而然地想拥有它。”

“Allowing freedom, and letting people take ownership of the object, is the most important.”

标签: 室内 空间 设计
