设计项目位于印尼泗水的私人住宅空间内,作品命名为“Golden Summer”,采用黄色、橙色和棕色调的手工吹制玻璃,以波浪形的形态排列。它折射了泗水当地的典型文化特色,即时尚和传统的丰富自然特征互相融合。Golden Summer唤醒夏季最美好的时段,充满阳光和温暖,混合成难以抗拒的魅力氛围。
本项目由Lasvit设计师Petra Krausova设计,她在这个设计中融入了自然特性和现代时尚,形成强烈的冲击力,传达泗水在印尼语中“超能城市”的含义。
Commissioned for a private residence, Golden Summer’s design elements are composed of yellow, orange and brown- tinted hand-blown glass, arranged in waves. It mirrors the dichotomy of blending the modern and traditionally lush natural features typical of Surabaya. Golden Summer evokes that short period when summer, still warm and sunny, merges into fall.
Nature collides with modernity in Surabaya, the Indonesian `City of Heroes` in a unique mix. Petra Krausova`s Golden Summer lighting sculpture, commissioned for a private residence and made from yellow, orange and brown tinted hand-blown glass, reflects this dichotomy. It transports the viewer to the short period of time when summer, still warm and sunny, changes into fall.
这座奢华酒店坐落在中央商务区,位于北京最具有商业活力和娱乐活力的区域,四季酒店温暖并独特,提升居住体验。Lasvit为酒店进行了多处灯光雕塑装饰设计,分别位于大堂、多功能厅和意大利、中国餐厅。其中“Grain Fields”设计由Katarina Kudejova Fulinova设计,用谷物制成的塑料做成在风中飘扬的形态,不对称的四方形材质弯曲旋转形成立体造型,加上切割艺术修饰手法,让原本硬朗的塑料外形显得更为柔和。
This luxury hotel, located within the Yansha area of the Central Business District, is positioned in the city’s most dynamic business and entertainment area. The Four Seasons Hotel is warm and individual touches enhance the residential feeling of this accommodation in Beijing. Illuminated glass sculptures by Lasvit adorn different parts of the hotel; they can be seen in the lobby area, multifunction room and in the Italian and Chinese restaurant.
Designer was inspired to use plastic by grain fields, into which a wind is blowing and the subsequent movement of the strands makes waves. This plastic design comes from an asymmetric quadrangle rotating in space. The adding of cut décor softened the masculine shape of the plastic.
琥珀色调和清澈水晶排列组合成古典花园图案,这款名为Golden Breeze的灯光雕塑装置是Lasvit为位于迪拜的范思哲专卖店设计的灯光艺术装饰。如同暖和的微风吹过三千千克重的手工制作水晶玻璃,自然地如波浪般弯曲,形成一种微妙的美感。同时,最顶部嵌花式的装饰成为整个设计最亮眼的特色,细腻的优雅设计让这款吊灯成为大堂设计中低调而具有内涵的一部分,让客人感受丰富并难忘的空间艺术。
The layout of the amber-tone and crystal-clear elements of Golden Breeze lighting sculpture by Lasvit is based on a classic floral pattern, shaped to appear as if moved by a soft breeze, bringing delicacy to 3000 kgs of hand-blown glass.Placed prominently above the central floor mosaic, the subtle elegance of this lighting sculpture supplements a surprisingly restrained lobby design, welcoming guests to a rich and unforgettable space.